Meet SynHealth partner F6S

Meet consortium partner F6S, one of the 6 partners that form SynHealth’s consortium. Based in Dublin, Ireland, F6S is a leading global founder and startup network that helps public sector entities around the world to promote, communicate and disseminate technical and research projects. F6S F6S stands for F-ounder-S. Our mission is to help founders and […]
Meet SynHealth partner University of Liege

Meet consortium partner University of Liege, one of the 6 partners that form SynHealth’s consortium. Based in Liege, Belgium, it is a major public university of the French Community of Wallonia region. University of Liege The University of Liège or ULiège, founded in 1817, counts around 25,000 students of which 20% are foreigners. Almost 3,000 faculty members […]
Meet SynHealth partner University of Maribor

Meet consortium partner University of Maribor, one of the 6 partners that form SynHealth’s consortium. Based in Slovenia, is an educational and research institution that strives for academic excellence and the expansion of knowledge through basic and applied research. University of Maribor – Faculty of Health and Science The University of Maribor (UM) With more […]
Meet SynHealth partner Karolisnka Intitutet

Meet consortium partner Karolinska Institutet, one of the 6 partners that form SynHealth’s consortium. Based in Solna, Sweden, the 200-year institute is one of the world’s leading medical universities. Its vision is to advamce knowledge about life and strive towards better health for all. Karolinska Institutet Karolinska Institutet was founded by King Karl XIII in […]
Meet SynHealth partner GlycanAge

Meet consortium partner GlycanAge, one of the 6 partners that form SynHealth’s consortium, based in Zagreb, Croatia. GlycanAge GlycanAge is an SME dedicated to converting glycomics research into practical healthcare products. Emerging as a spinout from Genos, GlycanAge was established to commercialize advancements in general health and wellness. Currently, it provides the GlycanAge biological age […]
Meet SynHealth coordinator Genos

The project is led by coordinator Genos, based in Zagreb, Croatia. Meet the organization and its team and find out more about their accomplishments in the healthcare ecosystem and more specifically of high-throughput glycomids in personalized medicine. Genos laboratory Genos is an SME and the leading research institution in Croatia. In 2007, it received official […]
Welcome to SynHealth

SynHealth: Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Programme, the project leverages AI and multi-agent systems to valorise the potential of glycan biomarkers and adopt them for personalized preventive healthcare Opening a 36-month project Last April, SynHealth gather consortiums partners for its kickoff meeting. 7 partners from 5 European countries marked the opening of the […]