
Almost all current healthcare systems are based on treating individuals who are already ill, relying on periodic interventions when health is compromised, and health problems hinder normal functioning. This approach is becoming increasingly financially unsustainable, and healthcare funding is in a continuous crisis at a global level. 

The EU4Health programme, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/522 of March 24, 2021, clearly emphasises the importance of shifting focus towards disease prevention and health promotion, i.e., continuous preventive healthcare tailored to individual’s needs. 

One of the most promising short-term steps that may significantly advance this transition involves further development and implementation of preventive biomarkers. In the field of health promotion, glycans (complex oligosaccharides) have the highest biomarker potential since they integrate genetic, epigenetic and lifestyle factors, making them more similar to complex diseases than any other class of molecules. Glycosylation is one of the most common protein modifications that enables the creation of many proteoforms that are not predefined by the nucleotide sequence of a single gene but arise from the interaction of dozens or hundreds of genes with the environment.

Researchers in Genos pioneered high-throughput glycomics 15 years ago, which enabled glycomics to become integrated in multiple large epidemiological and clinical studies. Through active participation in multiple EU-funded projects, including 3TR (with KI) and SYSCID (with ULiege) that are formal requirements for this application, researchers in Genos analysed over 200,000 individual glycomes and identified several potential glycan biomarkers. GlycanAge, spinout from Genos dedicated to the commercialisation of glycan biomarkers has already commercialised successfully the first glycan biomarker, the GlycanAge test of biological age that is currently being sold on global market both directly to consumers (as a non-diagnostic test) and through a network of over 700 partners operating in the general health and wellness space. Research discoveries from these Horizon projects will be the basis for planned ERDF projects, as a clear demonstration of synergy between regional/national ERDF funding and Horizon projects.

Here, we propose to build up on previously obtained results of Horizon 2020 projects SYSCID (#733100) and 3TR (#831434) and a network of partners that will leverage their expertise toward strengthening knowledge valorisation opportunities and prepare the transition of such promising biomarker tools to clinically relevant settings and as marketable solutions. At the same time, the project will be instrumental in boosting the unrealised capacity of the Coordinator, Genos, to be a driving force for upscaling R&I results and innovation potential in the Widening country, acting as an ambassador for the health R&I ecosystem in Croatia.

In its pursuit, SYNHEALTH will focus on the following methodology:
AI robustness and challenges
Gender dimension
Open science practices
Research data management and management of other research outputs



Researchers in Genos pioneered high-throughput glycomics 15 years ago, which enabled glycomics to become integrated in multiple large epidemiological and clinical studies.

Through active participation in multiple EU-funded projects, including 3TR and SYSCID that are formal requirements for this application, researchers in Genos analysed over 200,000 individual glycomes and identified several potential glycan biomarkers.

General objective of the SynHealth project is to valorise the potential of these research discoveries (glycan biomarkers) and prepare them for ERDF funding and subsequent exploitation in two Croatian and one Slovenian regions together with the University of Maribor. This will be achieved with the support of past Horizon partners Karolinska Institute and University of Liege. 

Innovation capacity and technology uptake will be further supported by the dedicated innovation management and technology transfer partner F6S, and GlycanAge SME partner that actively commercialises glycan biomarkers in the general health and wellness sector. 

Adoption of glycan biomarkers for personalised preventive healthcare will be demonstrated in real world settings and supported through a network of partners in the region. 
This will all prepare discoveries from past Horizon projects (glycan biomarkers) for future translation into clinical diagnostic biomarkers through support of ERDF funding.


Specific Objectives


Develop person-centred AI based support tool to enable scalability of GlycanAge personalised counselling.


Prepare clinical study for glycan biomarkers for personalised preventive medicine.


Demonstrate adoption of glycan biomarkers for personalised preventive healthcare in real world setting and create a network of partners in the region.


Improve capacity for innovation, IP management and knowledge transfer.


To maximise the impact of the project through a dedicated communication, dissemination and exploitation strategy.



One of the weaknesses of European science compared to the US is the lower rate of translating research discoveries into new business opportunities. This is particularly the case in the widening countries where innovations are lagging significantly behind even the EU average. Through SynHealth we will forge synergy between Horizon funded research and commercialisation activities in widening countries funded by ERDF.


Expected Outcomes (EO)


Improved and more systematic synergies between Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020, and ERDF, (…) or similar funding instruments through internationalisation, valorisation and technology uptake


Strengthened competitiveness of R&I actors in Widening countries


Accelerated knowledge transfer and innovation cycle for beneficiaries from ERDF and Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe


Strengthened innovation capacity and competitiveness of less R&I performing regions.


Valorisation of results generated in Horizon Europe or Horizon 2020 projects in a regional context


Improved knowledge transfer and technology uptake in less R&I performing regions


Exploitation and diffusion of R&I results into the market in line with national/regional smart specialisation priorities


Preparation of pilots and demonstrators in the chosen R&I domain for funding under ERDF


Improved intellectual asset management and technology uptake


Expected Impact (EI)


Increased science and innovation capacity for all actors in the R&I system in widening countries


Structural changes leading to modernised and more competitive R&I systems in eligible countries


Reformed R&I systems and institutions leading to increased attractiveness and retention of research talents


Mobilisation of national and EU resources for strategic investments


Higher participation success in Horizon Europe and more consortium leadership roles


Stronger links between academia and business and improved career permeability


Strengthened role of the Higher Education sector in research and innovation


Greater involvement of regional actors in the R&I process


Improved outreach to international level for all actors

Scientific impacts

  • Impact on research and innovation capacity
  • Impact on understanding of the health-to-disease transition
  • Impact on disease prevention programmes

Economic and Societal impacts

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The SYNHEALTH project implementation comprises 7 Work Packages (WP).


Demonstration of person-centred AI model for personalised interpretation of glycan biomarker data.

Valorisation studies of Horizon results (glycan biomarkers)


Demonstration of the adoption of glycan biomarkers for personalised preventive healthcare in real world setting


Preparation of proposals for ERDF funding


Building capacity for innovation, innovation management and knowledge transfer


Communication and dissemination


Project management




SYNHEALTH brings together a comprehensive consortium of 7 partners from 5 different countries. 
It is composed of 3 Research centres, 2 Universities and 1 SME.

GlycanAge logo
University of Maribor logo
Karolinska Institute logo
Liege University logo
F6s logo
hamag bicro logo

SynHealth coordinator Genos is an SME that is at the same time the leading research institution in Croatia. In 2007, it received official recognition as a research institution from the Croatian Ministry of Science, which subsequently led to its inclusion in the national Registry of research organisations. The Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education, the national accreditation agency, initiated mandatory reaccreditation of Genos as a research organisation in 2017. The evaluation confirmed that Genos fulfils all legal prerequisites to be classified as a research organisation within the domains of “Natural Sciences” and “Biomedicine and Health”. Subsequently, the Ministry of Science issued the official document that reaccredited Genos as a research organisation on May 28, 2020. Genos has participated in a number of European Union research initiatives. Its researchers publish over 30 research papers per year, and currently, Genos employs 50 researchers. Genos’ research is focused on the application of high-throughput glycomics in personalised medicine.


In SYNHEALTH, GENOS will lead the project coordination (Work Package 1) and the physio-chemical and electrochemical testing of the electroactive materials, including aqueous slurry development for electrode upscaling (Work Package 6).

GlycanAge is an SME focused on the translation of glycomics research results into healthcare products.
Emerging as a spinout from Genos, GlycanAge was established to commercialise advancements within the realm of general health and wellness. Presently, it offers the GlycanAge test of biological age test directly to consumers and via a network of over 700 partners in the health and wellness sector. A noteworthy challenge in the development of glycan biomarkers is the lack of awareness concerning the significance of glycosylation in both general population and healthcare professionals. To bridge this gap, GlycanAge dedicates considerable efforts to educating both the general populace and professionals alike.


GlycanAge will lead Work Package 2

University of Maribor (UM) functions as an extensive educational and research institution with a commitment to achieving exceptional academic standards and advancing knowledge through both fundamental and applied research endeavours. With a team comprising over 1200 educators and researchers, UM collaborates closely with business affiliates, civil society, public administration, fostering research and artistic pursuits that centre on the well-being and progress of society. UM maintains an active presence in the international educational and research arena, taking part in numerous European projects either as a lead coordinator or collaborative partner.


UM will (Work Package 2 and 5).

The Karolinska Instituet, KI, located in Stockholm, Sweden, is one of the world’s most prestigious medical universities and research institutions. Founded in 1810, it has a rich history of excellence in medical education, healthcare innovation, and cutting-edge biomedical research. The institute is renowned for awarding the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine annually and is at the forefront of groundbreaking discoveries in fields such as immunology, genetics, neuroscience, and epidemiology. Its commitment to advancing healthcare and improving global health makes it a globally recognized hub for medical and scientific excellence. KI was (and still is) partner in H2020 IMI2 3TR project in which Genos is responsible for glycan analysis.


KI (Work Package2).

The University of Liège or ULiège, founded in 1817, is a major public university of the French
Community of Belgium based in Liège, Wallonia region. ULiège counts around 25,000 students of which 20% are foreigners. Almost 3,000 faculty members at 11 faculties contribute to education and research. ULiège provides training in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles in all knowledge areas. Citizen-focused, ULiège strives to promote a diverse society respecting difference in culture, gender and opinions. ULiège formally complied with the principles of the “European Charter and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of the Researchers” and developed an HR strategy strongly embedded in the institutional strategic plan for providing and supporting a stimulating and favourable working environment for researchers. In 2011, ULiège received the award “HR excellence in research” from the EU Commission.


UL (Work Package 3) of and 4.1 (Work Package 4)

F6S is the leading platform for application management and the largest startup community globally with +1.5mio Tech-Startups and +2.7mio entrepreneurs. F6S delivers +€2 billion every year to startups with leading CRM for deal flow, corporate challenges, structured programs, startup services, corporate partnering, recruiting, government grants and free startup resources. F6S is the leading platform for application management for commercial, corporate, government, university and other accelerator programs, helping more than 17,000 such initiatives worldwide. Every year F6S processes more than 700,000 applications and delivers about €2 billion to startups/SMEs per year. F6S is highly experienced in creating an effective recruitment campaign, targeting the right SMEs/startups, broadly disseminating open calls, and managing the selection process of the applicants. F6S tracks emerging trends across 300+ industries and has insights that reach beyond any database, from its strong network of project partners, corporates, universities, and startups. The F6S innovative communication team leverages this information and a strong experience in community building to deliver a high-impact strategy to promote, communicate, and disseminate research activities and achievements, maximising sustainability of projects’ results.


F6S will lead Work Package 8 on Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation with the main objective of creating the right buzz around the project activities and maximise its impacts.

is the main Croatian institution for the support of SMEs and innovation. Since Genos is one of the best research institutions in Croatia, we are in regular contacts with colleagues from HAMAG-BICRO to help them plan future support actions and improve procedures. In SynHealth HAMAB-BICRO will join as an associated party to help us identify most appropriate upcoming calls for the ERDF project applications that will be prepared through WP4.